YBhg Prof/ Prof Madya/ Dr/ Tuan/ Puan/ Saudara/ Saudari
The organizing committee cordially invites all government officers, practitioners, researcher, academics, professionals, students and those interested to participate in attending the forthcoming '3rd International Building Control Conference' with the theme 'TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMATION TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT' . CPD points will be applied for Building Surveying Division, Board of Property and Valuer, Board of Architect Malaysia, Board of Engineer, Board of Quantity Surveyor etc.
The International Building Control Conference (IBCC) is a conference series dedicated to promote the importance, significance and advancement of building control and compliance for construction industry. This conference is organized by Building Surveying Division, Royal Institutions of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) and its supported organizations. The conference proceeding is indexed by Elsevier (scopus). Our previous proceedings (procedia engineering) is http://www.sciencedirect.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is on 21st October 2013 for the '3rd International Building Control Conference' to be held in Royal Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from November 21-13, 2013.
The conference web site is http://www.ukm.my/confukm/
Abstract and full paper submission is now open. The number of words for abstract and full paper is no more that 200 and 3,500 words respectively. For registration and inquiries, do not hesitate to contact Pn. Nadira Ahzahar, 05-3742282 or 019-4814072
An updated two-pages brochure are also attached for your reference.
Best regards,
Sr Nuzaihan Aras Agus Salim
Organising Chair
3rd International Building Control Conference
+605-3742437/013-389 1979
Sr Kamal,
BalasPadamada tak course untuk Pakej Penilaian Tender (bagi Cut Off)?