Rabu, 17 April 2013

Lean Construction

Lean Construction is a combination of original research and practical development in design and construction with an adaption of lean manufacturing principles and practices to the end-to-end design and construction process. Unlike manufacturing, construction is a project based-production process. Lean construction is concerned with the alignment and holistic pursuit of concurrent and continuous improvements in all dimensions of the built and natural environment: design, construction, activation, maintenance, salvaging, and recycling (Abdelhamid 2007, Abdelhamid et al. 2008). This approach tries to manage and improve construction processes with minimum cost and maximum value by considering customer needs (Koskela et al. 2002[1]).
The term "Lean Construction" was coined by the International Group for Lean Construction in its first meeting in 1993 (Gleeson et al. 2007). The Construction in "Lean Construction" refers to the entire industry and not the phase during which construction takes place. Thus, Lean Construction is for owners, architects, designers, engineering, constructors, suppliers.
Historical Development
Lauri Koskela, in 1992, challenged the construction management community to consider the inadequacies of the time-cost-quality tradeoff paradigm.[2] Another paradigm-breaking anomaly was that observed by Ballard (1994[3]), Ballard and Howell (1994a[4] and 1994b), and Howell (1998). Analysis of project plan failures indicated that "normally only about 50% of the tasks on weekly work plans are completed by the end of the plan week" and that constructors could mitigate most of the problems through "active management of variability, starting with the structuring of the project (temporary production system) and continuing through its operation and improvement," (Ballard and Howell 2003[5]).
Evidence from research and observations indicated that the conceptual models of Construction Management and the tools it utilizes (work breakdown structurecritical path method, and earned value management) fail to deliver projects 'on-time, at budget, and at desired quality' (Abdelhamid 2004). With recurring negative experiences on projects, evidenced by endemic quality problems and rising litigation, it became evident that the governing principles of construction management needed revisiting. One comment published by the CMAA, in its Sixth Annual Survey of Owners (2006), pointed to concern about work methods and the cost of waste:
"While the cost of steel and cement are making headlines, the less publicized failures in the management of construction projects can be disastrous. Listen carefully to the message in this comment. We are not talking about just materials, methods, equipment, or contract documents. We are talking about how we work to deliver successful capital projects and how we manage the costs of inefficiency."[6]

[edit]A new paradigm

Koskela (2000)[7] argued that the mismatch between the conceptual models and observed reality underscored the lack of robustness in the existing constructs and signaled the need for a theory of production in construction. Koskela then used the ideal production system embodied in the Toyota Production System to develop a more overarching production management paradigm for project-based production systems where production is conceptualized in three complementary ways, namely, as a Transformation (T), as a Flow (F), and as Value generation (V).
Transformation is the production of inputs into outputs.[7]
Flow can be defined as "Movement that is smooth and uninterrupted, as in the 'flow of work from one crew to the next' or the flow of value at the Pull of the customer."[8]
Value is "What the Customer is actually paying for the project to produce and install."[8]
Koskela and Howell (2002) also presented a review of existing management theory – specifically as related to the planning, execution, and control paradigms – in project-based production systems. Both conceptualizations provide a solid intellectual foundation of lean construction as evident from both research and practice (Abdelhamid 2004).
Recognizing that construction sites reflect prototypical behavior of complex and chaotic systems, especially in the flow of both material and information on and off site, Bertelsen (2003a and 2003b) suggested that construction should be modeled using chaos and complex systems theory. Bertelsen (2003b) specifically argued that construction could and should be understood in three complimentary ways:
  • As a project-based production process
  • As an industry that provides autonomous agents
  • As a social system

[edit]What is lean construction?

Lean construction is a “way to design production systems to minimize waste of materials, time, and effort in order to generate the maximum possible amount of value," (Koskela et al. 2002[1]). Designing a production system to achieve the stated ends is only possible through the collaboration of all project participants (Owner, A/E, Constructors, Facility Managers, End-user) at early stages of the project. This goes beyond the contractual arrangement of design/build or constructability reviews where constructors, and sometime facility managers, merely react to designs instead of informing and influencing the design (Abdelhamid et al. 2008).
Lean construction recognizes that desired ends affect the means to achieve these ends, and that available means will affect realized ends (Lichtig 2004). Essentially, lean construction aims to embody the benefits of the Master Builder concept (Abdelhamid et al. 2008).
"One can think of lean construction in a way similar to mesoeconomics. Lean construction draws upon the principles of project-level management and upon the principles that govern production-level management. Lean construction recognizes that any successful project undertaking will inevitably involve the interaction between project and production management." (Abdelhamid 2007)
Lean construction supplements traditional construction management approaches with (Abdelhamid 2007): (1) two critical and necessary dimensions for successful capital project delivery by requiring the deliberate consideration of material and information flow and value generation in a production system; and (2) different project and production management (planning-execution-control) paradigms.
While lean construction is identical to lean production in spirit, it is different in how it was conceived as well how it is practiced. There is a view that "adaptation" of Lean Manufacturing/Production forms the basis of Lean Construction. The view of Lauri Koskela, Greg Howell, and Glenn Ballard is very different, with the origin of lean construction arising mainly from the need for a production theory in construction and anomalies that were observed in the reliability of weekly production planning.
Getting work to flow reliably and predictably on a construction site requires the impeccable alignment of the entire supply chain responsible for constructed facilities such that value is maximized and waste is minimized. With such a broad scope, it is fair to say that tools found in Lean Manufacturing and Lean Production, as practiced by Toyota and others, have been adapted to be used in the fulfillment of Lean construction principles. TQM, SPC, six-sigma, have all found their way into lean construction. Similarly, tools and methods found in other areas, such as in social science and business, are used where they are applicable. The tools and methods in construction management, such as CPM and work breakdown structure, etc., are also utilized in lean construction implementations. The three unique tools and methods that were specifically conceived for lean construction are the Last Planner System, Target Value Design, and the Lean Project Delivery System.
If the tool, method, and/or technique will assist in fulfilling the aims of lean construction, it is considered a part of the toolkit available for use. A sampling of these tools includes: choosing by advantages (CBA),[citation needed] BIM (Lean Design), A3, process design (Lean Design, offsite fabrication and JIT (Lean Supply), value chain mapping (Lean Assembly), visual site (Lean Assembly); 5S (Lean Assembly), daily crew huddles (Lean Assembly).
The common spirit flows from shared principles:
  • Whole System Optimisation through Collaboration and systematic learning
  • continual improvement/pursuit of perfection involving everyone in the system
  • a focus on delivering the value desired by the owner/client/end-user
  • allowing value to flow by systematically eliminating obstacles to value creation and those parts of the process that create no value
  • creating pull production
The differences in detail flow from a recognition that construction is a project based production where the product is generally a prototype.[citation needed]
The priority for all construction work is to:
  1. Keep work flowing so that the crews are always productive installing product
  2. Reduce inventory of material and tools and
  3. Reduce costs[9]
While lean construction’s main tool for making design and construction processes more predictable is the Last Planner System (see below) and derivatives of it, other lean tools already proven in manufacturing have been adapted to the construction industry with equal success. These include: 5SKanbanKaizen events, quick setup/changeoverPoka Yokevisual control and 5 Whys (Mastroianni and Abdelhamid 2003, Salem et al. 2005[10]).

RISM Announcement :: 15th INTERNATIONAL SURVEYORS' CONGRESS (ISC) :: 27-28 JUNE 2013

RISM Announcement

27 - 28 JUNE 2013 @Hotel Istana, KL
Fees for RISM Member: RM 750 (Early Bird rate - before 20/5/2013)

Click here to download >> FLYER | REGISTRATION FORMS


Assalamualaikum wbt./ Salam Sejahtera.

YBhg Prof/ Prof Madya/ Dr/ Tuan/ Puan/ Saudara/ Saudari

The organizing committee cordially invites all government officers, practitioners, researcher, academics, professionals, students and those interested to participate in attending the forthcoming '3rd International Building Control Conference' with the theme 'TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMATION TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT' . CPD points will be applied for Building Surveying Division, Board of Property and Valuer, Board of Architect Malaysia, Board of Engineer, Board of Quantity Surveyor etc. 

The International Building Control Conference (IBCC) is a conference series dedicated to promote the importance, significance and advancement of building control and compliance for construction industry. This conference is organized by Building Surveying Division, Royal Institutions of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) and its supported organizations. The conference proceeding is indexed by Elsevier (scopus). Our previous proceedings (procedia engineering) is http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18777058/20 . Our application is currently being considered and is under review.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is on 21st October 2013 for the '3rd International Building Control Conference' to be held in Royal Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from November 21-13, 2013.   

The conference web site is  http://www.ukm.my/confukm/index.php/IBCC/IBCC2013

Abstract and full paper submission is now open. The number of words for abstract and full paper is no more that 200 and 3,500 words respectively. For registration and inquiries, do not hesitate to contact Pn. Nadira Ahzahar, 05-3742282 or 019-4814072

An updated two-pages brochure are also attached for your reference.
Best regards, 
Sr Nuzaihan Aras Agus Salim
Organising Chair

3rd International Building Control Conference
+605-3742437/013-389 1979

Ahad, 14 April 2013



1. Pendaftaran Percuma (Untuk dapatkan used ID dan password) klik laman web berikut dan daftar sekarang

2. Pendaftaran Ahli Seumur Hidup
... - Yuran keahlian seumur hidup pengedar baru GCP adalah RM1,000 SAHAJA tanpa belian wajib.
- Sebagai penghargaan kepada pengedar, GCP menawarkan insentif khas iaitu SATU PAKEJ UMRAH 2014 bagi setiap 80 orang pengedar baru yang diperkenalkan ATAU pengedar yang membuat tempahan sebanyak RM2 Juta mulai 1 MAC 2013 hingga 31 MAC 2014.
- Semoga dengan insentif ini menjadi penggalak kepada seluruh pengedar untuk menuju kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat.


Klik Di Sini Untuk Maklumat Lanjut - AD2684

Jumaat, 12 April 2013

Skop Kerja Ukur Bangunan

Bidang ukur bangunan adalah sangat luas. Skop kerja di atas adalah sebahagian dari skop kerja yang terdapat di Malaysia. Jika di teliti lagi bidang skop kerja bagi juruukur bangunan yang lain adalah dengan menasihati pada banyak aspek pembinaan termasuk:
  1. reka bentuk;
  2. penyelenggaraan;
  3. pembaikan;
  4. membaik pulih;
  5. pemulihan dan pemeliharaan bangunan dan monumen

Kenali Juruukur Bangunan


Lazimnya di dalam sektor pembinaan kita seringkali mendengar profesion-profesion seperti Arkitek, Jurutera, Jurukur Bahan, Penilai, Kontraktor, Perancang dan Jurukur Tanah diperkatakan namun jarang sekali kita mendengar tentang profesion Juruukur Bangunan. Walaupun terdapat sebahagian daripada kita yang mengetahui tentang profesion Ukur Bangunan namun tidak dapat dinafikan terdapat sebahagian besar yang masih belum mengetahui dan mengenali profesion ini. Malah terdapat juga segelintir mereka yang tidak pernah mengetahui bahawa profesion ini wujud. " Siapakah Juruukur Bangunan ini? Apa sumbangan mereka? Apa kaitan Juruukur Bangunan dengan industri pembinaan negara kita? " Mungkin ini sebahagian besar daripada persoalan-persoalan yang sering diutarakan oleh kebanyakan kita diluar sana apabila diajukan soalan yang berkaitan dengan Ukur Bangunan. Walaupun telah lebih sepuluh tahun profesion ini bertapak di Malaysia, namun ianya masih belum cukup popular untuk dikenali. Berbeza di kebanyakkan negara-negara Eropah yang meletakkan profesion ini sebagai penghulu kepada profesion-profesion sektor pembinaan yang lain, Juruukur Bangunan dipandang sepi di negara kita. Pernahkah kita terfikir mengapa terdapat bangunan yang bermasalah sedangkan bangunan tersebut baru sahaja beroperasi. Lebih menyedihkan perkara ini sering terjadi kepada bangunan-bangunan kerajaan. Apakah terdapat kelemahan semasa proses pembinaan atau pemilihan bahan yang kurang bermutu, atau mungkin juga takdir tuhan telah menentukan naik bangunnya sesebuah bangunan itu. Siapakah yang bersalah dan siapa pula yang akan mengaku bersalah? Kepada siapa yang harus dipertanggungjawabkan atas kesilapan ini. Mungkin sekali lagi kita akan didendangkan dengan lagu "Bangau oh Bangau" yang asyik memberikan alasan "itu" dan "ini", "begitu" dan "begini". Perkara seperti ini sebenarnya dapat dielakkan sekiranya pemantauan sebelum, semasa dan selepas pembinaan dilakukan dengan rapi. Malangnya pemantauan seperti ini tidak berlaku dan lebih memburukkan keadaan kebanyakkan pemantauan ini dilakukan oleh mereka yang kurang berkelayakan. Maka disebabkan faktor inilah peranan dan tanggungjawab JURUUKUR BANGUNAN ditagih.

RISM Family Day 2013



RISM Family Day 2013

Date  : Saturday, 13 April 2013

Venue : Tasik Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Khamis, 11 April 2013





No. 123, Jalan BP14/3, Bandar Bukit Puchong 2,
47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan
email : nortcensobsresources@gmail.com
Sr Dzulrazman
Telefon : 016-2131360

Pulau Pinang

No. 43, Lorong Sutera Prima 2, Taman Sutera Prima,
13700 Seberang Jaya, Pulau Pinang
email : srkamal.bs.rism.png@gmail.com
Sr Mohd Kamal Arifin
Telefon : 013-3977145

Web: http://juruukurbangunan.blogspot.com/


þ      Building Condition Survey / Building   Defects Survey
þ      Pre-Purchase Building Survey or Pre-Leasing Building Survey
þ      Handing Over Inspection Survey
þ      Dilapidation Survey ( Pre & Post   Inspection )
þ      Building Condition Audit
þ      Monitoring & Supervision Renovation Works
þ      CCTV Pipe Inspection Survey

PRU 13 Informasi Semak Daftar Mengundi Di Sini



PRU 13 - Semangat Tetap Semangat

ARTIKEL TERHANGAT @hdaily09 10.4.13:
#1: Semangat membuat perubahan tidak boleh dibendung lagi...lihatlah

Kerajaan Ambil Mudah Pandangan Professional

  • 'K'jaan sering ambil mudah pandangan profesional'
  • NONEWAWANCARA Datuk Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad sering bersuara bagi membolehkan pandangan golongan pakar dari pelbagai bidang didengar, bukan sahaja oleh masyarakat umum tetapi juga oleh pihak berkuasa. 

Nomination Form 53rd Session 2013/2014

Dear Sir/Mdm,

Kindly find enclosed herewith the nomination form for you to nominate person(s) for inclusion in the balloting list for the 8 remaining General Council member for the 53rd Session (2013/2014) for your further action.

Thank you.

By Order of the General Council

Sr Ang Fuey Lin, MRISM, MRICS
Hon. Secretary General

Norazlina Mohd Darus
Executive SecretaryRoyal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia
Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA
Tel: 603-7956 9728
Fax: 603-7955 0253

Email: norazlina@rism.org.my

RISM Charity Golf Tournament 2013

To Fellow & Members;


RISM Announcement

RISM Charity Golf Tournament 2013

 ++ Glenmarie Golf & Country Club++

Saturday, 4th May 2013

Time: 7.00 am

Officiated by:
DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di Pertuan Agong Almu'tasimu Billahi Muhibbudin Tuanku Alhaj Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah Almarhum Sultan Badlishah & Raja Permaisuri Agong

Hole-In-One, Champion Throphy, Novelty Prizes & Lucky Draws

Fees: RM 500/pax (*Inclusive-Green Fees/Buggies/Breakfast/Lunch)

Free Gifts: Goodies Bag (T-Shirt, Shoebag and Cap)


Kindly find the attached form to register (BEFORE 25th April 2013) or contact Mr. Razzi Zainal of RISM at 03-7954 8358 / 019-7001603 for more details.

Thank you.

The Malaysian Surveyor - Vol 48.1

RISM Announcement


Dear Members,

The first issue for 2013, Volume 48.1, is now accessible using the following links:

1.    To view and read (flip pages) >> http://www.rism.org.my/ISMDoc/48.1/fp-48.1/book.swf

2.    To download full journal (pdf) >> http://www.rism.org.my/ContentLibrary/TMS%20Journal%2048-1-Full.aspx

Feel free to access the articles, announcements and read up on latest RISM activities.  

Members and subscribers are required to login to download/save the full PDF file. Kindly contact RISM IT Administrator at it@rism.org.my or Editorial Secretary at editor@rism.org.my for your login username and password.

This journal is restricted to RISM members and journal subscribers only.
Non-members may only read on-line, via the flip pages.  

We welcome technical and research article submissions from surveying practitioners and academics by sending them to editor@rism.org.my.

Thank you.


The Malaysian Surveyor

Session 2012/2013

RISM Northern Branch Seminar 19 April 2013




Date  : Friday, 19th April 2013

Venue : Kompleks EUREKA, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang

Fee : RM 250/- RISM Member ; RM 350/- RISM Non-Member

Time  : 8.00 am - 5.00 pm

Kindly find the details as attached and email to rismnorthern@gmail.com for registration.

Thank you.


Next Strata Management Act 2013 ROADSHOW by PMVS Division of RISM

9th May 2013 – Johor Bahru